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Durango West 2  E-News September 2024

DW2 E-News September 2024

Happy Back in School – SLOW DOWN

School Children are back in school and they (and parents) arewalking in the subdivision to and from the bus in the mornings and afternoons. SLOW DOWN as you drive through the neighborhood and be conscientious of our children, neighbors, pets and wildlife!

Bears are Back - See below for more information

Clean Up

September will likely bring more storms and winds causing needle drop. The district is asking residents to clean the curb gutter and street in front of your homes  (and side of homes if on a corrner) to help prevent clogging storm drains.  Whether you have alot or a little, it all adds up. The semi-annual street cleaning won't happen until early November and we are likely going to have some further heavy rainstorms. Thank you to all the residents who have already cleaned up!

Road Projects Update

All major projects have been completed for this year. Patching on Wedgewood Circle and on Oak Drive near Oak Court are scheduled for October 2nd along with some crackfilling  on Oak Drive and Fir Drive.  It will be another busy year next summer as  projects will happen on Willow Drive, Wedgewood, Oak Drive and many cul de sacs.

Budget Public Hearing October 

The public hearing for the 2025 proposed budget will take place at the October regular board meeting on Wednesday, October 16th at 5 p.m. at the mail building. Residents are welcome to attend.

Road Right of Way

A reminder to residents to keep in mind the district Right of Way (ROW) policy when landscaping or considering any changes to their property that borders the road and is within 10-15 feet of the edge of the road. 

Check Your Bill

Many residents have had water overage charges this summer. Others may have late fees still not paid or even a credit. Please take an extra minute to look at your next bill and adjust your next payment to reflect the actual amount due.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your bill.

Remove Your Dead  Trees

This is a great time to remove your dead or sick trees. It is good to do from a fire mitigation perspective as well as keeping other trees on your property and surrounding area healthy. Also please remove any volunteer aspens and firs that are growing within 5 feet of the curbline.

No Parking on Streets

Parking on District streets is prohibited anytime under Resolution 2004-03, It is a safety hazard as we do not have sidewalks in the subdivision. Additionally, it seriously impedes our maintenance efforts.  Residents and overnight guests need to park vehicles including RVs in your private driveways and off the street.

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Grounds

With all these storms, there is likely standing water which can bring mosquitos.  Do your part in eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes by checking for standing water around your home and getting rid of it. This small effort will help protect yourself, your family and your neighbors from mosquito-borne diseases.  See below for more information. The district contracts with Animas Mosquito Control District to monitor and treat the ponds on a monthly basis.

Open Burning Prohibited

The district now prohibits all open burning except for grilling or cooking food using appliances on your property designed for cooking or grilling and can be turned off or covered  See the revised complete policy.

Respect Property Owners Along Trails  and Wildlife 

We remind residents to be respectful of property owners along all trails. This includes not talking loudly, picking up dog poop,  putting your dog on leash so the dog doesn't run onto private property, and in general being aware of where you are and respectful of others. 

Next Board Meeting is  at a different date and time: Monday, September 9th at 8:15 A.M. at the upstairs offices of  Owen, Tucker, and Bechtolt, PC; 960 East Second Avenue 

October Budget Hearing Meeting is Wednesday, October 16th at 5 p.m. at the Mail Building 



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