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Durango West 2  E-News August 2024

DW2 E-News August 2024

Road Projects Update

The section of Aspen Drive from Fir Drive stop sign to the Oak Drive stop sign will be sealcoated. We will email a notice when this is scheduled. Patching and crackfilling throughout the subdivsion was completed July 30th. Major projects completed this year so far are the sealcoating of Upper Aspen Drive and milling and  3" fabric overlaying of Michael Way.

Budget Ideas Welcome

The District will be preparing next year’s budget.  If you have ideas that you would like the Board to consider as expenditures in 2025, please email them to with contact information by August 30th. The monthly fees paid by residents are directed toward the operations and maintenance of our water, sewer, roads and open space. 

Check Your Bill

Many residents have had water overage charges this summer. Please take an extra minute to look at your next bill and adjust your next payment to reflect the actual amount due.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your bill.

No Need to Speed - Slow Down

Summer is a time when kids are out at all times of day playing, riding bikes, and perhaps chasing a ball into the street. SLOW DOWN AND USE EXTRA CAUTION when driving through the neighborhood.  While there is a posted 25 mph speed limit around the neighborhood – drivers are advised to use a lower speed appropriate to the conditions including approaching a playground or seeing children playing in a yard.  Remember, this is a residential neighborhood. Take an extra minute and please slow down.

Remove Your Dead  Trees

This is a great time to remove your dead or sick trees. It is good to do from a fire mitigation perspective as well as keeping other trees on your property and surrounding area healthy. Also please remove any volunteer aspens, firs that are growing within 5 feet of the curbline.

No Parking on Streets

Parking on District streets is prohibited anytime under Resolution 2004-03, It is a safety hazard as we do not have sidewalks in the subdivision. Additionally, it seriously impedes our maintenance efforts.  Residents and overnight guests need to park vehicles including RVs in your private driveways and off the street

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Grounds

Though we are all  grateful for the rain, it can bring more mosquitos.  Do your part in eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes by checking for standing water around your home and getting rid of it. This small effort will help protect yourself, your family and your neighbors from mosquito-borne diseases.  See below for more information. The district contracts with Animas Mosquito Control District to monitor and treat the ponds on a monthly basis.

Open Burning Prohibited

The district reminds residents that open burning is prohibited. See the complete policy.

Respect Property Owners Along Trails  and Wildlife 

Not all trails are on district greenbelt. Some are right of ways, but many are historic trails that adjacent property owners allow residents to use. We remind residents to be respectful of property owners along all trails. This includes not talking loudly, picking up dog poop,  putting your dog on leash so the dog doesn't run onto private property, and in general being aware of where you are and respectful of others. 

It is dog owners' responsiblity to ensure deer and other wildlife in the neighborhood are not harrassed  by off leash dogs.  The La Plata County Living with Wildlife Advisory Board tells residents: Do not let dogs roam when they are outside. Always keep your dog on leash while hiking or walking to prevent wildlife conflicts. Wildlife raise their young in the summer and dogs off leash may create fatal interference.  Dogs harrassing wildlife is against state law and should be reported to Colorado State Parks and Wildlife at 970-247-0855. 

Fire Hydrants - Three Foot Clearance

If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please keep it accessible year-round.  Summer is a great time to remove shrubs, branches, etc that block visual and physical access.  There should be a three-foot clear circle around the hydrant.

DW2's New Website:

Please make a note of the new domain/website URL.  Ebill users can now access their ebills at and click on Ebill Login under Quick Links on the right column of the home page. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Next Board Meeting is August 21st at 5 p.m. at the Mail House



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